New SEO and Link Building Tools from Scribe

I wrote a review on Scribe SEO back in March. The Scribe team continues to add features. The latest email outlines a number of changes coming on July 30th, including an internal link strategy tool, an outside link building tool and a social media connection tool. I’m pretty intrigued by all of these tools, and look forward to giving them a test spin. I’m hopeful that the website and social media ID tools have a spreadsheet export function, so I can assign the suggestions to a project manager. We’ll see. Overview from Scribe below:

1. Internal Link Strategy Tool

An important aspect of SEO is the organization of links within your site (strategic cross-linking between content). The new Internal Link feature will automatically identify pages within your site that you should insert links to your Scribe-optimized posts and pages, based on your primary keywords. You’ll get an bush-button list of the pages of your site that are search relevant to the pages you want to rank well, so you can cross-link to them with keyword focused anchor text.

2. Outside Link Building Tool

The new Scribe Link Building tool identifies authoritative websites and blogs whose content directly relates to your Scribe-optimized content. This new tool is designed to help you market your content on related sites via highly targeted promotion, guest posting, and comments. We’ve also got educational seminars coming that give you the tips and strategies you need to make quality links happen.

3. Social Media Connection Tool

Twitter is the primary content distribution platform in social media, so developing strong connections with relevant users is an important part of content marketing and link building. This new tool will identify authoritative Twitter users who are talking about topics related to your primary keywords, and allow you to connect with those who’ll want to share your content. This results in even more organic links flowing in to your content.


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