Last updated: October 3, 2022 What are taxonomies? Taxonomies, in the simplest of terms, are how a group of things are organized. Website taxonomy structures can be hierarchical, such as WordPress Categories, or non-hierarchical, such as Tags. Different types of websites will need to leverage different strategies depending on whether offerings are product- or content – based. An example of …
The SEO Case for Web Designers Partnering with Marketing Agencies
Unless you do a lot of redesigns for sites that have been around a while, you are largely launching brand new sites on brand new domains. And those sites carry very little authority. You know how I mentioned the quality of backlinks above? This is measured in “domain authority” or DA. New sites have virtually no domain authority at all. So you’re stuck with a bunch of low authority websites linking back to you in those footer credits.
One Year After The Thomas Fire Took Our Home, the Woolsey Fire Does it Again
The knowledge that a black swan can occur at any moment is no longer theoretical. Preparing for an unexpected and improbable event is something every business needs to think about. Losing two homes in 11 months crystallized the need for preparation and resiliency.
Why a Business Does a Site Redesign
When a company gets a new website, there is a lot going on behind the scenes. And it ain’t necessarily related to the website. Green-lighting a site redesign is generally a big project for a small business. There are multiple stakeholders and a significant financial commitment. There are new marketing objectives and possibly a rebrand.
How and Why Airbnb Should Verify Wifi
I’ve talked to many friends who work while they travel, and there is definitely a consensus: when you stay at an Airbnb, you have no freaking idea how the internet is going to be. And that can be incredibly challenging if not terrifying.
Affordable Web Marketing Near Me
The demand from prospects and partners alike is an entry-level web marketing service for companies that are just getting their feet wet or otherwise have the most modest of budgets. We’ve listened! Learn more about our affordable web marketing plans that can provide just the right fit.
Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’ in Google Search Console
In the new Google Search Console, your site might have one or more results for this Error: Status > Index coverage > Submitted URL marked ‘noindex’. This isn’t necessarily an error, although if a site is not being indexed properly, this is a great place to start. Learn more!
Rising From the Ashes of The #thomasfire
It’s at Meditation Mount that this story starts… perhaps you’ve heard that there are fires out this way?
Goals and Objectives for Facebook Ads
With over a billion users and highly tailored audience targeting, Facebook has matured into a remarkable platform for advertising. One big consideration, however, is an understanding of what you can accomplish using Facebook ads and how your advertising will be received by the audience you are targeting.
Analytics Dashboard Metrics Overview
UPDATED MAY 10, 2019 What Is An Analytics Dashboard? An analytics dashboard is a cloud-based reporting tool that shows the user their most important website metrics, such as sessions, conversions and engagement, in a glance. The visual display of data allows stakeholders to make data-driven decisions for their website and marketing efforts. There are an increasing number of dashboard platforms …